Our clinic is situated in Tunbridge Wells, Kent a train journey from London Bridge about 50min. From the train station the clinic is less than 5 min taxi journey or quick 15 min walk https://g.page/AdIntegrumVas?share
We realise people come from all over London, the Southeast and further afield to see us. We can support your travel arrangements and review you clinically in time so your journey home will be swift! Our wonderful medical secretaries Naomi and James are at hand to help to make your appointment as convenient as possible. Call or email for further support +44 (0) 1892 882770 📧vascularwoundcare@gmail.com Alternatively, Mr Lukla Biasi, Vascular Consultant and Jemell Geraghty, Specialist Nurse can arrange a video consultation and discuss your case from the comfort of your home.