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Bringing personalised care to you while supporting local services and clinicians
Investing in the future of healthcare for nurses and doctors
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We encompass the values of what is important to you as we share decisions based on your choice, our expertise and the best possible outcome for you
We pride ourselves on a positive experience, expertise and kindness
With years of experience, we aim to assess, treat and prevent
Continuity matters and we will work to ensure we achieve this
We do understand the impact of living with a wound or vascular condition – we can help!
You are not alone; we can provide you with the support to help you on the road to recovery
If we cannot help, we will refer you on to the most suitable clinician
Who We Are
We are clinicians, experts in our field who believe in providing you with an excellent, personalised service and positive experience from start to finish encompassing the values of: Consistency, Safety and Care.

Mr Lukla Biasi Consultant Vascular Surgeon, PhD
Mr Lukla Biasi is an experienced vascular and endovascular surgeon with a dedicated commitment to the sub-specialties of lower limb revascularisation, carotid surgery and superficial vein surgery.
Lukla Biasi graduated with distinguished honours from the University of Bologna Medical School, Italy. Following a research fellowship at St Georges’ Vascular Institute in London, he completed the specialist training at the University Hospital of Parma, Italy, where he was appointed as Consultant Vascular Surgeon in 2009.
Lukla moved to the UK in 2014 for a clinical and research fellowship on complex lower limb revascularisation at St. Thomas’ Hospital, London.
Mr Biasi took up his consultant vascular appointment at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust in 2016. He is currently the lead for Lower Limb Revascularisation, fore-fronting cutting edge endovascular treatments and complex bypass surgery. He has a specialist interest in complex wound management, digital health literacy and telemedicine.
He was awarded an International PhD – Doctor Europaeus – “summa cum laude” for his academic achievements. Mr Biasi has published on national and international peer-reviewed journals and is, at present, editorial board member of the Vascular and Endovascular Review journal (VER) and reviewer for the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVS), Annals of Vascular Surgery (Ann Vasc Surg), Angiology, the Journal of Vascular Endovascular Surgery (VES) and JRSM Cardiovascular Disease.
Mr Biasi leads general vascular (including vascular lab – Duplex scan) and diabetic foot clinics at St Thomas’, Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks Hospitals. In-patient surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust comprises the full range of open and endovascular arterial and superficial-vein surgery performed in state-of-the art open, hybrid and cathlab theatres.
Lukla enjoys spending time with his family in Italy and Ireland and his hobbies include swimming, reading and exploring the Kent countryside.
Lukla prides himself on exceptional patient experience from initial consultation to pre-operative meeting to post-op care with attention to detail, keeping patients and their families involved and up to date with the care at every stage.
- Grima MJ, Biasi L. Real World Iliofemoral Arterial Revascularisation: Time for the Great Hybrid Reset? Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2022 Apr;63(4):566. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2022.01.005. Epub 2022 Mar 2. PMID: 35248435.
- Musajee M, Biasi L, Thulasidasan N, Green M, Francia F, Arissol M, Lakhani A, Thomas S, Patel S, Zayed H. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Workload, Case Mix and hospital Resources at a Tertiary Vascular Unit. Ann Vasc Surg. 2021 Nov 12:S0890-5096(21)00800-1.
- Yap T, Silickas J, Weerakkody R, Lea T, Santhirakumaran G, Bremner L, Diamantopoulos A, Biasi L, Thomas S, Zayed H, Patel SD. Predictors of outcome in diabetic patients undergoing infrapopliteal endovascular revascularisation for chronic limb-threatening ischaemia. J Vasc Surg. 2021 Oct 8:S0741-5214(21)02200-X.
- Sinha MD, Saha P, Melhem N, Kessaris N, Biasi L, Booth C, Callaghan CJ, Donati T, Ostermann M, Patel S, Ware N, Zayed H, Drage M, Sallam M. Vascular access support teams: A multi-disciplinary response to optimise patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Crit Care. 2021 Oct;65:184-185.
- Musajee M, Zayed H, Thulasidasan N, Sayed M, Francia F, Green M, Arissol M, Lakhani A, Biasi L, Patel S. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the outcomes in patients with Critical Limb Threatening Ischaemia and Diabetic Foot Infection. Ann Surg. 2020 Dec 22.
- Aber A, Phillips P, Lumley E, Radley S, Thomas SM, Nawaz S, Jones G, Michaels J; UK Vascular PROMs Group (Biasi L). Mixed methods study to develop the content validity and the conceptual framework of the electronic patient-reported outcome measure for vascular conditions. BMJ Open. 2020 Aug 11;10(8):e034154. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034154. PMID: 32784253; PMCID: PMC7418769.
- Saratzis A, Rudarakanchana N, Patel S, Diamantopoulos A, Lea T, Corbo B, Gradinariu G, Katsanos K, Zayed H; Guy’s and St Thomas’ Vascular Research Collaborative (Biasi L). Interwoven Nitinol Stents versus Drug Eluting Stents in the Femoro-Popliteal Segment: A Propensity Matched Analysis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2019 Nov;58(5):719-727.
- Saratzis A, Paraskevopoulos I, Patel S, Donati T, Biasi L, Diamantopoulos A, Zayed H, Katsanos K. Supervised Exercise Therapy and Revascularization for Intermittent Claudication: Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2019 Jun 24;12(12):1125-1136.
- Saratzis A, Rudarakanchana N, Patel S, Diamantopoulos A, Lea T, Corbo B, Gradinariu G, Katsanos K, Zayed H; Guy’s and St Thomas’ Vascular Research Collaborative. Interwoven Nitinol Stents versus Drug Eluting Stents in the Femoro-Popliteal Segment: A Propensity Matched Analysis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2019 Nov;58(5):719-727.
- El-Sayed T, Patel AS, Cho JS, Kelly JA, Ludwinski FE, Saha P, Lyons OT, Smith A, Modarai B; Guy’s and St Thomas’ Cardiovascular Research Collaborative. Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in Operators Performing Endovascular Aortic Repair. Circulation. 2017 Dec 19;136(25):2406-2416. doi:10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.117.029550. Epub 2017 Oct 20.
- Biasi L, Patel SD , Lea T, Donati T, Katsanos K., Partridge JSL., Dhesi J.K, Zayed Complex Infra-Popliteal Revascularisation in Elderly patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia: Impact of Multidisciplinary Integrated Care on Mid-Term Outcome. J Cardiovas Surg (Torino) 2017
- Patel SD, Biasi L, Paraskevopoulos I, Silickas J, Lea T, Diamantopoulos A, Katsanos K, Zayed H. Comparison of angioplasty and bypass surgery for critical limb ischaemia in patients with infrapopliteal peripheral artery disease. Br JSurg. 2016 Sep 21
- Clough RE, Zymvragoudakis VE, Biasi L, Taylor PR. Usefulness of new imaging methods for assessment of type B aortic dissection. Ann Cardiothorac Surg. 2014 May;3(3):314-8.
- Geraghty J, Biasi L. The use of larval debridement therapy in traumatic haematoma wounds. J Wounds Uk; 10(2) supplement 2014
- de Troia A, Biasi L, Iazzolino L, Azzarone M, Tecchio T, Rossi C, Salcuni P.Endovascular Stent Grafting of a Posterior Tibial Artery Pseudoaneurysm Secondary to Penetrating Trauma : Case Report and Review of the Literature. Ann Vasc Surg. 2014 Feb 12.
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Ali T, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson. Visceral ischaemia and organ dysfunction after hybrid repair of complex thoraco-abdominal aneurysms. Acta Biomed. 2011 Apr;82(1):41-50.
- Perini P, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Biasi L, Vezzosi M, Salcuni P Superficial femoral artery degenerative aneurysms: a literature review and report of 15 additional cases. Chirurgia 2011, 24:201-6
- DeTroia A, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Piazza P, Salcuni P. Endovascular Treatment o fan Innominate Artery Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysm Following Subclavian Vein Catheterization Vasc Endovascular Surg. 2011 Jan;45(1):78-82.
- Perini P, , Tecchio T, Azzarone M, De Troia A, Biasi L,Vezzosi M, Salcuni PF. Ruptured Aneurysm of the Proximal Third of the Superficial Femoral Artery. Case Report. Italian Journal of Vascular Endovascular Surgery 2010
- Biasi L, Ali T, Loosemore T, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson M. Hybrid repair of complex thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms using applied endovascular strategies combined with visceral and renal revascularization. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Dec;138(6):1331-8.
- Biasi L, Ali T, Ratnam LA, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson M. Intra-operative DynaCT improves technical success of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. J Vasc Surg. 2009 Feb;49(2):288-95.
- Biasi L, Ali T, Hinchliffe R, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson M. Intraoperative DynaCT detection and immediate correction of a type Ia endoleak following endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2009 May;32(3):535-8..
- Biasi L, Ali T, Thompson M. Intra-operative dynaCT in visceral-hybrid repair of an extensive thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2008 Dec;34(6):1251-2.
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Mosso F, Salcuni P. Extracranial Carotid Artery Aneurysm: case report and review of the literature. Acta Biomed 2008
- Ali T, Biasi L, Hinchliffe R, Morgan R, Thompson M, Loftus I. Atherosclerotic Comparisons between thoracic stentgrafts–how do we know which stent graft to select? Acta Chir Belg. 2008 Jul-Aug;108(4):386-92. Review.
- DeTroia A, Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Salcuni P. Carotid endarterectomy with mini-invasive access in locoregional anestesia. Acta Biomed 2008 Dec; 79(3):217-22
- Ali T, Sayers D, Biasi L, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson M Dissections of the thoracic aorta and evolving endovascular strategies Current Hypertension Reviews 2008
- Ampollini L, Biasi L, Barteloot L, Tecchio T. Cardiac tamponade in patient with giant thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007 May; 31(5):935
- Salcuni P, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Mosso F, Orlandelli E, Tecchio T. Mini-invasive aortic surgery: a 2 year experience Acta Biomed 2005 Apr; 76(1):28-32
Medical Book Chapters
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, De Troia A, Vezzosi M, Mottini F, Nabulsi B, Iazzolini L, Rossi C, Salcuni PF. Percutaneous EndoVascular Aortic aneurysm Repair (P-EVAR) vs. Open Femoral Access (O-EVAR). A prospective, non-randomized, comparative study and review of the literature. Management of complications after EVAR and TEVAR. Minerva Medica 2012
- Biasi L, Tecchio T Terapia Chirurgica degli Aneurismi dell’Aorta Addominale Testo Atlante di Patologia Vascolare – Dall’Eco-Color-Doppler alla Diagnosi e alla Terapia. 2012
- Tecchio T, Biasi L TromboEndoArteriectomia Carotidea Testo Atlante di Patologia Vascolare – Dall’Eco-Color-Doppler alla Diagnosi e alla Terapia. 2012
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, De Troia A, Perini P, Vezzosi M, Salcuni PF. L’angio-TC è sempre il gold standard nel controllo a distanza? Update in Chirurgia Vascolare – Venti Anni di Endoprotesi Aortiche. Minerva Medica 2010
- De Troia A, Vezzosi M, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Perini P, Salcuni PF. Conversione chirurgica primaria e secondaria dopo EVAR (esperienza monocentrica) Update in Chirurgia Vascolare – Venti Anni di Endoprotesi Aortiche 2010
Published Abstracts & presentations at National and International Meetings
- The Vascular Societies, Annual Meeting 2021 -Manchester
- STARS (St Thomas’ Advance Revascularisation Symposium – x3), London 2021
- Radcliffe’s VIO (VIO – Vascular Interventions Online) – London, July 2021
- STARS (St Thomas’ Advance Revascularisation Symposium) – London 2017
- L Biasi, S Patel, I Paraskevopoulos, C Gordon, C Adkin, T Lea, T Donati, A Diamantopoulos, KN Katsanos, H Zayed Predictors of clinical outcome following endovascular treatment of infrapopliteal disease in patients with critical limb ischaemia (CIRSE 2016)
- L Biasi , SD Patel, T Lea, T Donati, A Diamantopoulos, K Katsanos, J Partridge, J Dhesi, H Zayed Complex Infra-Popliteal Revascularisation In Octogenarians And Nonagenarians With Critical Limb Ischaemia: Impact Of Multidisciplinary Integrated Care On Mid-Term Outcome (ESVS 2016)
- S D Patel, J Silickas, L Biasi, T Donati, T Lea, K Katsanos, N Patel, S Thomas, H Zayed. Perioperative blood glucose levels influence outcome after infrainguinal bypass and endovascular therapy (ESVS 2016)
- SD Patel, L Biasi, I Paraskevopoulos MD , J Silickas, T Lea, A Diamantopoulos, K Katsanos, H Zayed. Infra-popliteal bypass versus angioplasty in patients with critical limb ischaemia compared using Propensity Score analysis (CIRSE 2016 – Poster)
- L Biasi, S Patel, T Lea, L Newton, T Donati, K Katsanos, H Zayed. Predictors of Outcome following Crural Endovascular Treatment in CLI (British Journal of Surgery – The Vascular Societies, Annual Meeting 2015; Bournemouth – 13-15 November)
- T Donati, S Patel, L Biasi, T Lea, K Katsanos, H Zayed Aorto-iliac Tasc C-D lesions: outcome of endovascular first approach (British Journal of Surgery – The Vascular Societies, Annual Meeting 2015; Bournemouth – 13-15 November)
- L Biasi, S Patel, V Zymvragoudakis, A Patel, T Lea, I Paraskevopoulos, L Newton, T Donati, K Katsanos, H Zayed. Predictors of Mid-term Clinical Outcome following Endovascular Treatment of Infra-Popliteal disease in patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia (ESVS 2015)
- S Patel, L Biasi, V. Zymvragoudakis, T Lea, A Diamantoupolous, T Donati, K Katsanos, H Zayed. Distal Bypass versus Angioplasty for Infra-popliteal diseas e in patients with Critical Limb Ischaemia (ESVS 2015)
- S Patel, L Biasi, V. Zymvragoudakis, T. Lea, A. Diamantoupolous, T. Donati, K. Katsanos, H. Zayed. Atherosclerotic plaque analysis may help to predict outcome following lower limb endovascular intervention (ESVS 2015)
- L Biasi, S Patel, S Padayachee, I Paraskevopoulos, L. Newton, T Donati, K. Katsanos, H. Zayed. Midterm Outocmes of Salavage Angioplasty on Threatened Distal Bypass Grafts (BSET, 2015)
- Biasi L, Pioli S, Salcuni PF Urgent conversion from AV-Graft to brachial vein transposition: the last source for autogenous AVF in the septic patient. A novel case (SIN 2013)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Salcuni PF. Pseudoaneurismi Femorali: la chirurgia classica. (SICVE 2012 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Salcuni PF. Rupture of a True, Non-anastomotic Aneurysm in a Fem-Pop OmniflowII Graft; Novel Case in Literature (ESVS 2012 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery -poster)
- DeTroia A, Mottini F, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Iazzolino L, Nabulsi B, Vezzosi M, Salcuni PF. Aneurisma Micotico dell’Arteria Mesenterica Superiore in Paziente con Infezione di Bioprotesi di Valvola Aortica: Case Report e Revisione della Letteratura (SICVE 2012 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- DeTroia A, Mottini F, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Iazzolino L, Nabulsi B, Vezzosi M, Salcuni PF. Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Endocarditis Complicated by Mycotic Aneurysm of The Superior Mesenteric Artery: Case Report and Review of the Literature (ESVS 2012- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery -poster)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Salamousas B, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Salcuni PF. Near Infrared Spectroscopy as an Index of Cerebral Perfusion During Hybrid Repair of a Complex Aortic Arch Aneurysm Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2011 (ESCVS, 2011)
- DeTroia A, Mottini F, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Iazzolino L, Nabulsi B, Vezzosi M, Salcuni PF. Disfagia da Pseudoaneurisma Aortico dopo Stenting dell’Arteria Renale Trattato con Multilayer Stent: Case Report e Revisione della Letteratura (SICVE 2011 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- Ali T, Biasi L, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson. Intra-operative Dyna-CT improves technical success and short-term outcomes following endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. (British Journal of Surgery 2009 – The Vascular Societies, Annual Meeting 2008)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, De Troia A, Vezzosi M, Strozzi F, Perini P, Salcuni PF. Lo stato dell’Arte dei Tumori del Glomo Carotideo. Esperienza di un singolo centro e revisione della letteratura. (SICVE2009 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- DeTroia A, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Biasi L, Piazza P, Salcuni P. Endovascular Treatment o fan Innominate Artery Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysm Following Subclavian Vein Catheterization. Atti del Congresso E.T.I Genova 2009
- Biasi L, Ali T, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson. Chirurgia ibrida degli aneurismi toraco-addominali complessi mediante debranching viscerale ed esclusione endoprotesica. Esperienza del St. George’s Vasculuar Institute di Londra.(SICVE 2008 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- Biasi L, Ali T, Morgan R, Loftus I, Thompson. Intra-operative DynaCT improves technical success and short term outcomes following endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms.(The Vascular Society, Manchester UK 2008)
- De Troia, Azzarone ,Tecchio, Corona, Strozzi, Perini, Vezzosi, Biasi, Salcuni Complicanze vascolari da abuso di stupefacenti (SICVE 2009- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; Poster)
- De Troia, Azzarone ,Tecchio, Corona, Strozzi, Perini, Vezzosi, Biasi, Salcuni Aneurisma gigante dell’arteria femorale superficiale rotto (SICVE 2009- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; Poster)
- De Troia, Denti, Azzarone, Tecchio, Mosso, Corona, Strozzi, Biasi, Perini, Ceda, Salcuni La prevenzione secondaria hospital based nel paziente con vasculopatia periferica: progetto di collaborazione tra la chirurgia vascolare e l’ambulatorio metabolico (SICVE- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.15 n.4 Supp1 Dic. 2008)
- De Troia, Tecchio, Azzarone, Mosso, Corona, Strozzi, Biasi, Vezzosi, Perini, Salcuni Conversione chirurgica dopo trattamento endovascolare dell’aorta addominale (SICVE 2008 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.15 n.4 Supp1 Dic 2008)
- De Troia, Tecchio, Azzarone, Mosso, Corona, Strozzi, Biasi, Perini, Salcuni Pseudoaneurismi femorali infatti da abuso di sostanze stupefacenti: due casi di giovani pazienti (SICVE 2008 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.15 n.4 Supp1 Dic 2008; poster)
- M.A. Cattabiani, G. Talanas, F. Ugo, L. Vignali, G. De Iaco, D. Oliviero, L Biasi, A. Menozzi, E. Solinas, C. Reverberi, D. Ardissimo 24-hour echodoppler monitoring of radial and ulnar arteries after transradial approach (SIC: Società Italiana di Cardiologia 68° Congresso Nazionale 2007)
- Biasi L, Ampollini L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Mosso F, Salcuni PF. Sindrome Mediastinica Acuta in Paziente con Mega Aorta. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.14 N.2 2007
- Azzarone M, DeTroia A, Tecchio T, Mosso F, Biasi L, Orlandelli E, Salcuni PF. Imaging preo-operatorio per la tromboendoarteriectomia carotidea: è sufficiente l’ecocolor Doppler? . Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.14 N.3 2007
- DeTroia A, Mosso F, Biasi L, Azzarone M, Tecchio T, Marcato C, Larini P, Salcuni PF.Trattamento Ibrido di aneurisma dell’arco aortico con coinvolgimento della zona 0: caso clinico e revisione della letteratura. Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.14 N.2 2007
- MA Cattabiani, G Talanas , F Ugo, L Vignali, G De Iaco, D Oliviero, L Biasi, A Menozzi, E Solinas , C Reverberi, D Ardissimo 24-hour Echo-Doppler monitoring of radial and ulnar arteries after transradial approach (Convegno di Cardiologia 2007 – Ital Card Vol 8 Suppl. 1-12)
- Biasi L, Mosso F, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Larini P, Marcato C, Salcuni PF. Aneurismi Giganti Intraparenchimali dell’Arteria Renale; un pericolo da non sottovalutare. (Up-date in Chirurgia Vascolare 2006)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Salcuni PF. Fast Track in mini-invasive aortic surgery. (SICVE 2006 – Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Mosso F, Corona P, DeTroia A, Salcuni PF TEA carotidea in anestesia loco regionale: accesso mini-invasivo vs. accesso tradizionale Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Vol.13 N.4 2006
- Bolognesi, R. Ballini, T. Tecchio, M. Azzarone, L. Biasi, M.G. Bolognesi, F. Manca, C. Manca Complicanze cardiovascolari operatorie in vasculopatici operati; confronto fra 2 diverse modalità di valutazione del rischio cardiovascolare preoperatorio (SIC: Società Italiana di Cardiologia 67° Congresso Nazionale 2006)
- Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M, Salcuni PF. Carotid angioplasty and stenting in high risk patients with contralateral occlusion. (SIVCE 2005- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery)
- Azzarone M, Tecchio T, Biasi L, Salcuni PF. Endovascular treatment of infra-inguinal atheromasic lesions. (SICVE 2005- Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery; poster)
- Salcuni PF, Biasi L, Tecchio T, Azzarone M. Mini invasive aortic surgery: a 3 year experience. MEET International Congress, Cannes, France (2005)
Research projects & Grants
- 3-year fully funded PhD program (at Consultant level) – University of Parma (2014- December 2017)
- Research Grant (over 52.000 Euros grant for research activity) – University of Parma (from 2010 to 2013)
- Awarded ESVS (European Society of Vascular Surgery) 2008 INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL GRANT
- Awarded Bando di Concorso dell’Ordine dei Medici Provinciale di Mantova per progetti di ricerca originali 2009 “Italian Medical Council Province of Mantova: Award for Original Clinical Research Project of the year”
- Co-Investigator in Ateroplanet Trial: epidemiologic multicentric observational study (sponsored by Sanofy-Aventis)
- Clinical Referent for the ARTreat Project: “Multi-level patient-specific artery and atherogenesis model for outcome prediction, decision support treatment, and virtual hand-on training”, #FP7-224297). A large-scale Integrating Project (IP) run under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union that received a funding of € 7.108.834,00.

Jemell Geraghty, Nurse Consultant
Jemell is a Global Nurse Consultant in Tissue Viability with clinical experience in both hospital and community settings, private sector and NHS, leading and providing wound care.
Jemell has 20 years’ experience in the nursing profession. Having trained at the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, she moved to London to undertake a Masters in Science (MSc) Advancing Practice in Tissue Viability with the University of Hertfordshire (UOH) which she completed in 2008. Jemell went on to complete a Doctorate in Health Research with UOH which she completed in 2018.
Jemell has a clinical background in older adult medicine and rehabilitation, vascular nursing, emergency nursing and tissue viability. Jemell has worked in both hospital and community settings, private sector and NHS, leading and providing wound care. From 2007 – 2019 Jemell worked in tissue viability at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead, London where for six years she was appointed Lead Nurse.
Dr Geraghty is currently a Lecturer in Adult Nursing and Tissue Viability Module Lead, Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King’s College London and has been connected with King’s College since 2011.
Jemell has an interest in qualitative research methods and narrative inquiry, specifically the stories of marginalised people living with wounds. In 2019-2020 she led a wound care clinic for the homeless population in London.
Jemell works closely with the London Network of Nurses and Midwives Homeless Group Charity (LNNM) and is the subject -lead for tissue viability. She currently works with the charity Change, Grow, Live (CGL) as Nurse Consultant.
Dr Geraghty sits on the editorial board of the British Journal of Nursing, Tissue Viability panel and has published and presented at national and international level. She is a Trustee of the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation and actively involved in the Legs Matter campaign. Jemell also sat on the board of Trustees for the Tissue Viability Society (2016-2021). Jemell is passionate about inclusion health and addressing social and health inequalities.
Jemell enjoys reading, cooking and meeting new people.
Publications & Awards
- Geraghty, J. (2011). Introducing a new skin care regime for the incontinent patient. British Journal of Nursing, 20 (7), pp 409 – 415.
- Geraghty, J. (2011). Drug policy, intravenous drug use, and heroin addiction in the UK: History. British Journal of Nursing, 20, (14), pp 878 – 884.
- Geraghty, J. (2012). Smoking behaviour and interaction: the observation process in research. British Journal of Nursing, 21 (5), pp 286 – 291.
- Geraghty, J. (2012). The use of compression bandaging in fasciotomy wounds. Wounds UK, 8 (1), pp 89 – 94.
- Geraghty, J. (2013). Editorial: BJN: Industry and clinician: collaboration is key. British Journal of Nursing, 22 (No. Sup 8), p S3.
- Geraghty, J. (2014). Editorial: BJN: International wound care: setting the bar high. British Journal of Nursing, 23 (Sup 12), p S3.
- Geraghty, J. & Biasi, L. (2014). Larvae debridement therapy. The use of larval debridement therapy in traumatic haematoma wounds. Wounds UK, 10 (Sup 3), 3-6.
- Geraghty, J. (2015). Editorial: BJN: A 7- day NHS service for all? British Journal of Nursing, 24 (Sup 15), p S3.
- Geraghty, J. (2015) Tissue viability services for intravenous drug users. British Journal of Nursing, 24, (Sup 15), p S6.
- Geraghty, J. (2015). Managing leg ulceration in intravenous drug users. Emergency Nurse, 23 (5), 16 – 23.
- Geraghty, J. (2016). Working together to treat meningococcal necrotic skin lesions. Journal of Community Nursing, 30, (1) 26-33.
- Geraghty, J. (2016). Editorial: BJN: Challenging times ahead or real opportunity for progress. British Journal of Nursing, 25, (15), p S4.
- Geraghty, J. (2016). Three goals: deslough, manage, exudate and promote healing. Clinical benefits of UrgoClean. British Journal of Nursing 25 (20 Sup 2), S1–S32.
- Geraghty, J. (2016). Managing pain in wound care. (2016). Wound Care Today (JCN), 3(1), Available from: http://www.jcn.co.uk/reader/wct/11-2016/
- Geraghty, J. (2018). Good news for people with foot and leg ulcers. Guardian, Media Planet, Health Awareness. Available from: http://www.healthawareness.co.uk/wound-care/good-news-for-people-with-foot-and-leg-ulcers
- Geraghty, J. & Biasi, L. (2018). Placing our best leg forward: preventing lower leg conditions for our workforce and the general public. Journal of General Practice Nursing, 4 (1), Available from: https://www.journalofpracticenursing.co.uk
- Summer 2019 “Legs Matter” Bringing Our Campaign to Parliament publication date Sep 1, 2019 publication description – Tissue Viability Society https://tvs.org.uk/uncategorized/summer-2019-legs-matter-bringing-our-campaign-to-parliament/ (Full debate https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2019-07-23/debates/A6F01FEB-40D2-4B6F-B597-1EBA45CA64CD/LowerLimbWoundCare
- Geraghty, J. et al. (2019). Negative pressure wound therapy with instillation for Category 3 and 4 pressure ulcers: Findings of an advisory board meeting. Wounds UK, Vol 15, No 3, 72 – 77. Available to download from: wounds-uk.com
- Pavement (June, 2019) I’m still standing. https://www.thepavement.org.uk/stories/2333
- Geraghty, J. (2019). Editorial: The voice of wounded people: appreciating the life lived. British Journal of Nursing, 28, (12).
- Geraghty, J. (2019). Editorial: Helping homeless people: get involved! British Journal of Community Nursing, 24(Sup12), p. S5
- Geraghty, J. et al. (2020). The role of larval debridement therapy in the management of lower limb wounds: Consensus Document: Wounds UK, Available to download from: www.wounds-uk.com
- Geraghty, J. et al. (2020). World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) (2020) Optimising wound care through patient engagement. London: Wounds International, Available to download from: woundsinternational.com
- Geraghty, J. et al. (2020). Journal of Wound Care. Overlooked and underestimated: medical adhesive-related skin injuries. Volume 29, Issue Sup3c , Pages: S1–S24. Available to download from: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/pdf/10.12968/jowc.2020.29.Sup3c.S1
- Geraghty, J. & Allaway, R. (2021). Venous leg ulceration in a child secondary to an iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula: the role of compression therapy. Wounds UK. Available to download from: Wounds UK- Issue: 08-03-2021, Vol 17, No 1 – article: Venous leg ulceration in a child secondary to an iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula: the role of compression therapy – Wounds UK (wounds-uk.com)
- Geraghty, J. (2021). Maintaining our vision for tissue viability beyond the pandemic. British Journal of Nursing. Available to download from: https://www.magonlinelibrary.com/doi/abs/10.12968/bjon.2021.30.5.S4
- Geraghty, J. (2021). The cost and impact of lower limb wounds. Single Homeless Project. Available to download from: https://www.shp.org.uk/News/dr-jemell-geraghty-on-the-cost-and-impact-of-lower-limb-wounds
- Geraghty, J. (2021). Misunderstood and Overlooked: Piloting tissue viability wound care and nurse outreach with people experiencing homelessness and multiple disadvantages. Available to download from: https://www.shp.org.uk/Handlers/Download.ashx?IDMF=027437cb-b7c4-4221-a5b0-4c19549bdf3a
- Geraghty, J. (2021). Frances’ Story: A decade living with leg ulcers and the road to healing. Available to download from: https://www.shp.org.uk/News/frances-story-living-with-a-leg-ulcer
- Geraghty, J. & Kendall, S. (2021). Marginalised voices in wound care: Experiences of people who inject drugs living with leg ulceration “The Gutter, the Nick or a Box!! Journal of Tissue Viability, 30(4), 499-504.
- Company of Nurses & Queen’s Nursing Institute Education Grant – Homeless & Inclusion Health Module (2020).
- Finalist – Wound Prevention and Treatment Award for the RCNi Nurse Awards (2019).
- Winner – Patient Wellbeing Award & Finalist – Best Clinical Research Award Categories. Journal of Wound Care (2019).
- Acelity AAEF Nursing Award (2017).
The Montague Stanton Research Scholarship Worshipful Company of Cordwainers (2013).
- The Florence Nightingale Travel Scholarship (2012).
- Novice Practitioner Mölnlycke Scholarship for Tissue Viability – Journal of Wound Care (2006).
Our Mission
To see you promptly, assess you accurately and provide you with state of the art treatment and advice
Our Vision
Excellence based on continuity, experience and the personal touch!
Our Promise
You will feel better in yourself, empowered and confident with your care
What we do
We provide face-to-face or video consultation vascular and/or wound care consultations, whatever works for you.
Home visits can be arranged – please contact us to discuss your catchment area
We do not review children under the age of 18 however we can direct you to the appropriate services
- Professional & Expert Consultation
Listen to your previous experiences, your story and journey
Support for family and carers
Education & Health Promotion
Support for Self-Care
Detailed plan of care & follow-up
How we do it
First and foremost, we love what we do! We offer a comprehensive vascular and wound care service to suit your needs.
It is important for us to involve you and, if you wish, your family and carers in your plan of care. We appreciate the value of having loved ones up to date with diagnosis and treatment and pride ourselves on a holistic and positive experience. You will be reviewed by us in person and will continue to have contact with us during your treatment. We are flexible and intuitive to your needs and will always work with you addressing your requirements.
If we are unable to offer you the services you require to suit your needs, we will offer advice and recommendations
Make An Appointment
We are here to respond to any query you may have.