Types of Wounds

We offer a state of the art wound healing service for a variety of wound types.

Wounds can be classified by several different factors which can include: their aetiology, anatomy, type of injury or reason for occurrence, clinical presentation and tissue type.

We believe in treating everyone who may be living with a wound and our service is inclusive and sensitive to all patients needs and stories.

A leg ulcer is a wound, open sore or break in the skin usually located on the lower part of your leg: commonly in and around the ankle bone but could potentially develop anywhere on the leg.

If you have a wound on your leg that is taking more than 2 weeks to heal – you will need further investigation, diagnosis and treatment to avoid a delay in healing.

What causes leg ulcers:

  • Venous disease (caused by the veins not working) approx. 80% of leg ulcers
  • Arterial disease (caused by the arteries not working) approx. 15%
  • Other causes (about 5 %)

It is possible to have mixed venous and arterial disease of the blood vessels in the leg – therefore a proper investigation is needed.

Ad Integrum® Are you living with a lower limb vascular condition or leg ulceration? from Ad Integrum on Vimeo.

A pressure ulcer, also known as bed sores or pressure sores are damage to the skin and underlying tissue mainly caused by prolonged pressure. They can occur on any part of the body most commonly on bony prominences such as the heels, sacrum, elbows and hips.

You are at risk of developing a pressure ulcer if:

  • Your mobility is reduced and you spend long periods in your chair and/or bed
  • Suffer from incontinence
  • You are a wheelchair user
  • Inadequate diet/nutrition
  • Have an underlying health condition or vascular condition
  • Over 65 years old
  • Sensory Impairment

If you or your loved one have sustained pressure and would like to discuss further book an appointment

Traumatic wounds are typically defined as cuts, lacerations, or skin tears which often damage both the skin and underlying tissues. If they are not treated in a timely fashion these wounds can cause severe damage to the soft tissues in the skin. Traumatic wounds are often a sudden or unplanned injury and include abrasions, lacerations, skin tears, bites and burns.

Surgical Wound dehiscence (SWD) or breakdown can happen following a surgical procedure where the main surgical incision breaks down and the wound opens. This can be for a number of reasons.

If you have experienced surgical wound dehiscence and now have a surgical wound it is important to have expert advice and treatment to ensure timely healing, reduced complications and risk of infection and return to normal life. Vascular & Wound Care will ensure effective communication with your main surgical team.

Cancer-related malignant wounds also known as fungating lesions. Cancers such as breast, head and neck, primary skin, anal-rectal, gastrointestinal and lymphoma are the most common type that may cause malignant wounds. At Vascular & Wound Care we support dressing for symptom management, helping to promote comfort, reduce isolation and prioritise your quality of life.

Nurse Consultant Jemell Geraghty has first-hand clinical experience of managing these wounds, feel reassured that we will work with you and your team so that you feel supported and listened to.

Following the birth of your baby either by caesarean section or vaginal delivery you may have developed a wound.

This may be currently managed by your Obstetric team and/or midwife. In some cases, you may require expert wound management advice and consultation to provide extra reassurance and optimise healing. This can be provided in a timely and expert manner to suit the needs of you and your family.

We will ensure your care is communicated effectively with your midwifery team and where possible we will attempt to review at a joint consultation.

If you would like to discuss this area of wound are with Jemell please email to arrange.


Monday – Friday 8:00 – 17:00
Saturday 9:00 – 12:00

+44(0) 1892 882770



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